Second hand first
I will always look for both costume and set pieces and materials from second hand sources first. Keep new materials to a minimum.
Not buying costumes from Primark
I strongly disagree with fast fashion, it is a huge contributor to greenhouse gases. Primark particularly undercuts the rest of the high street and encourages volume shopping
Low carbon travel
Use public transport, walking or cycling to get myself to meetings and rehearsals
Use public transport, walking or cycling to source/ transport small props and costumes
Renewable electricity
Use Octopus as my electricity and gas supplier for my home studio, which provides electricity from 100% renewable sources and carbon neutral gas.
Model making -
I use CAD rather than physical models where appropriate
I’ve stopped using foamboard and instead am using mountboard with wooden batons to support. These materials are easier to directly re-use in the studio or put into the recycling
I’ve stopped using spray paints and high VOC glues
Carbon Literacy
I’ve undertaken Carbon Literacy Training and participated on the development of the SBTD’s Carbon Literacy Training tailored towards designers and theatre makers which has been approved and certified by the Carbon Literacy Project. If you are interested in booking this course for your building or team please contact-
The Green Book
Encourage Producers I work with at the early stages to use the Green Book.
If a company has said we’re aiming for a green book production make sure it actually gets onto the agenda for every production meeting and that team members are using it as a framework
Contracted time for disposal
I’ve really been trying to think sustainably about where everything goes after a production in order to create circular economies. However my contract usually ends on press night, so it’s really difficult to find the time to plan for everything in he run up to opening and make sure everyone has the information and resources available to make sure we’re not sending to landfill. Asking for contracted time to do this work both in terms of planning for disposal and presence at the get out to make sure things go where they should be.